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PC Connection, Inc., through its subsidiaries, is a leading information technology (IT) solutions provider to businesses, governments, educational institutions, and consumers. We offer a broad selection of more than 130,000 brand name products at competitive prices, in conjunction with award-winning service and support that has enabled us to establish a large and loyal customer base.
Headquartered in New Hampshire, PC Connection has been providing computer products, advice, and information to millions of customers for more than two decades. During this time, we've continually been recognized for our commitment to service, one of the company's founding and guiding principles. Today, we serve our customers through our staff of highly trained account managers, our Web sites, and specialized IT product catalogs.
Company fast facts
- Founded: 1982
- Chairman and CEO: Patricia Gallup
- Number of employees: 1,465 as of September 30, 2009
- Corporate headquarters: Merrimack, NH
- Distribution center: Wilmington, OH
- Other locations: Keene and Portsmouth, NH; Marlborough, MA; Rockville, MD; Dakota Dunes, SD; Boca Raton, FL; Addison, TX
- NASDAQ listing: PCCC
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