I am a 3x Entrepreneurs. Love writing code and sharing what I learn everyday as a programmer and an entrepreneur.

July 15, 2008

3 - D Chatrooms application Lively.com by Google - Is it a Failure?

So Google again as always silently floating another ship in the internet ocean to spread the word on its own like other hits Gmail / Orkut / Google Earth etc. Now, the service is a 3 - D chatrooms application Lively.com
Quoting directly from Catalog page of Lively.com

Take expression to the next dimension with Lively. This exciting experience lets you interact and express yourself with avatars, within rooms you create.

You'll be able to:

  • Chat with your friends or meet new contacts online.
  • Create and decorate your own room - and invite
  • Personalize your surroundings with an ever-growing catalog of avatars, outfits, furniture, and rooms to build up.
  • your friends over.

Lively Product Catalog : To customize your profile
  • Avatars: Be who you want to be. Choose an avatar and customize it. Each avatar has different animations and apparel options.
  • Apparel and Accessories : You are what you wear. Dress up your avatar and express yourself. Each avatar has different styles, colors and accessories.
  • Furniture and Things : Create unique rooms with different collections of objects. Collaborate or surprise people by putting interesting things in their rooms
  • Rooms and Places : The first step to making a room is choosing a room shell. A wide variety of styles is available to make all kinds of places.

Do you think Lively.com by Google will be a hit like all other google services like Gmail,Orkut,Google Earth etc?
Yes No


  1. I tried it and i think its a little bit too much of a cartoon for me. Ticket4one has a similar thing but atlaest i can see real people from the 3d Virtual Chat Room
