I am a 3x Entrepreneurs. Love writing code and sharing what I learn everyday as a programmer and an entrepreneur.

October 12, 2010

FAP Turbo - Only Legal Forex Robot - Earn automatically with it 3

We wanted to show everyone that unlike many scam-only-working-on-paper Forex robots out there, FAP Turbo is REAL

Now...lets get to the most important part of all of this...to the reason why FAP Turbo is #1 and will be undefeated for a VERY long time.

I want your full attention here...I mean it, this is KEY:

Understanding the following will show you why FAP Turbo is the real deal...why it’s a golden opportunity for the smart ones...

Do you remember I told you at the beginning of the letter that back-test results are worthless? Well, THEY ARE!

So, why am I about to to show you back-test results of FAP Turbo?

Well...and this is the best lesson you will ever learn in Forex robot trading:

Back-test Results Are Worthless UNLESS You Can Validate Them With Live Forward Trading!

What does this mean?

Well, simple and to the point: if you back-test a robot and it shows 100% “demo” profit in one month, it should PRODUCE around 80-100% profit in LIVE trading.

Thats it...mo more and no less!

So, how did FAP Turbo perform in back-testing? Well...

For those that are a bit “technical” let's sum up the above:

  • 10 Years Back-test
  • 13,014 Total Trades
  • 99.68% Winners
  • 8,792% NET Profit
  • 0.37% Drawdown!

Incredible results right? Yes, VERY impressive...

Check out the videos and get your own FAB Turbo

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